World's first PAL DVD in 1996.
World's first PAL DVD in 1996.
Home Page for the 1998 DVD.
Home Page for the 1998 DVD.
DVD Artwork
DVD Artwork
DVD PECA 1999 Award.
DVD PECA 1999 Award.
Screens from the world's first PAL DVD, in 1996.
Screens from the world's first PAL DVD, in 1996.
Artwork from the 1996 Panasonic DVD launch.
Artwork from the 1996 Panasonic DVD launch.
As a Producer at media agency Communicator, I was tasked with managing the Panasonic account. Following our successful launch of the world's first PAL DVD for Panasonic's European DVD players, we faced a new challenge: designing an interactive "self-journey" in-store sales demo DVD. This project aimed to showcase Panasonic's latest products while allowing customers to explore features independently, a novel concept in 1996.
Our objective was to create an engaging, user-friendly DVD that would:
• Empower customers to navigate product information independently in-store.
•  Highlight Panasonic's cutting-edge technology and product features.
• Support sales staff in their product demonstrations.
• Align with Panasonic's brand guidelines and marketing strategy.
The project required a delicate balance between customer empowerment and sales staff involvement, necessitating a comprehensive approach to product management, UX design, and stakeholder collaboration.
My Role
I project managed this DVD project, from the initial client briefing, through in-the-field research, leading the design team of a motion graphic designer, Director of Photography, video editor, and DVD authoring, and ultimately delivering the project on-time and on-budget.
To tackle this complex challenge, I implemented a multi-faceted strategy:
Ethnographic Research
• Conducted in-store observations at Dixons store in London's Brent Cross, shadowing sales staff to understand the existing sales process.
• Identified a key insight: sales staff preferred to control the demo process, conflicting with the self-guided concept.
Stakeholder Collaboration
• Organised a co-design session with senior sales staff from electrical retailers Dixons, Comet, and Currys.
• Facilitated sketching and ideation to gather input and secure buy-in from retail partners.
• Worked with Panasonic to develop complementary training and point-of-sale materials.
Design System Development
• Created a comprehensive style guide, incorporating Panasonic's brand elements, logos, and colour palette.
• Developed a paper sitemap to visualise the DVD's structure.
• Designed and sketched core templates to ensure consistency and intuitive navigation.
The 5 Core Templates
The 5 Core Templates
The 9 "Specials"
The 9 "Specials"
UX Design and Prototyping
• Crafted 97 unique "pages" (30-second video clips) based on five core design templates.
• Produced hand-drawn sketches and storyboards for each page, serving as design guides.
• Implemented a user journey mapping process to optimise navigation flow.
Actual hand-drawn sketch of "Page 1".
Actual hand-drawn sketch of "Page 1".
Graphical rendering of "Page 1".
Graphical rendering of "Page 1".
(Partial) Journey Map of the DVD
(Partial) Journey Map of the DVD
Content Creation
• Directed the production of promotional videos for new Panasonic products.
• Oversaw high-quality video shoots using advanced techniques like motion control and time-remapping
Project Management
• Led a cross-functional team including graphic designers, video editors, and DVD authors.
• Managed the project timeline and budget, ensuring on-time and on-budget delivery.
• Facilitated communication between Panasonic, retail partners, and the production team.
The project was a great success, delivering numerous benefits:
Innovation Leadership
The interactive DVD solidified Panasonic's position as a technology leader, showcasing their products in a cutting-edge format.
Enhanced Customer Experience
The self-guided journey allowed customers to explore products at their own pace, increasing engagement and product understanding.
Sales Support
The DVD became a valuable tool for sales staff, providing consistent product information and freeing them to focus on customer queries.
Retail Partner Satisfaction
By involving key stakeholders in the design process, we ensured buy-in and enthusiasm from major retailers.
This project demonstrated my ability to manage complex, multi-stakeholder initiatives, balance competing priorities, and deliver innovative solutions that drive business results. By combining ethnographic research, collaborative design, and cutting-edge technology, we created a product that not only met but exceeded the client's expectations, setting a new standard for in-store product demonstrations - as demonstrated by the award it won.
DVD Authoring and Award
The DVD was authored by Sarah Bradley at EMI's Abbey Road Interactive Studio, and won the prestigious DVD Europe Craft Award.
The award recognises the efforts of those in DVD production who are taking full advantage of DVD's huge range of special functions.
Tim Frost, DVD Production Europe '99

DVD Production Europe Craft Award 1999 for Panasonic.

Owner of the production company I was working with when creating this DVD provided the following testimonial:
Stuart worked for Communicator as a video producer between 1995-1999 for clients such as British Aerospace, Mercury Communications and Panasonic. He always had very high levels of enthusiasm for any technology related projects which helped us deliver ground breaking work, including the first ever commercial DVD disc in the UK. If you are looking for a business relationship with a technocrat who has great communication skills, please accept my recommendation.
Paul Drew, Owner, Communicator Limited
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